Allstate Renters Insurance Coverage. If you're renting a home, condo or apartment, this type of coverage can help protect you and your belongings. The coverage is dependable and costs less than you might think—in some cases, it costs as much as your morning latte.
In addition to a discount if you bundle your auto insurance with homeowners or renters insurance, you may be eligible for a new car discount, early signing.
A typical Allstate renters insurance policy includes liability coverage, protection for your belongings and coverage for additional living expenses, should the Chula Vista Allstate Renters Insurance includes personal property coverage that can help you pay for losses that occur inside or outside your.
Allstate Insurance Company, Allstate Indemnity Company, Allstate Fire. An Allstate agent can help walk you through the coverage you may require for your rental unit insurance needs. Keep in mind that a deductible will apply. * When we refer to "belongings" in this document, we.